Statement from HCCH, health department


“As we move in to Mother’s Day weekend, now is not the time to forget the mitigation strategies that EVERYONE has been asked to follow to prevent the spread of COVID-19 which includes social distancing, staying home when possible, washing hands often, wearing a mask and disinfecting highly touched surfaces.  These strategies will be in place for months to come.  Everyone is ready for this pandemic to be over.  But we cannot be reckless and disregard measures put in place to protect the health of our communities. 

The Public Health Order 20-02 for Harrison County provides recommendations to limit large gatherings to 25 or less people.  We understand that some will completely disregard this and put on events that encourage more than what the Order recommends including the races scheduled at Bethany Speedway this weekend, May 9th.  This is an opportunity for each of you to do the right thing and NOT attend events over the recommended group gatherings of 25 people throughout the time frame of this Order.  Please be responsible.  A spike in cases may cause our county to go back to more restrictive measures to contain an outbreak and this is what the first phase of re-opening is trying to avoid.  We MUST be slow and deliberate.   We have not had an increase in cases due to a “Sheltering in Place” order that has been in effect for several weeks.  People have been staying at home and adhering to social distancing. 

As people begin to emerge and have more contact with each other, the potential for spread becomes higher thus social distancing is a MUST!  Thank you for your commitment to keep our communities safe and to lessen the spread.”—Courtney Cross, administrator Harrison County Health Department; Tina Gillespie, CEO, Harrison County Community Hospital.

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